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In the utilities industry, we support companies that provide basic amenities, including natural gas, electricity and water.

A new leverage for companies
Radical transformations within the utilities landscape are creating significant challenges for organisations. Möbius is happy to help shape strategies and actions in response to the pervasive climate change and environmental responsibility that is increasingly falling on companies.
Furthermore, the emergence of new technologies and digital transformations represent a new leverage for companies to maximise customer and employee experience by gaining smart insights from data and to fully focus on innovating the core business.
Möbius helps you to remain relevant for your customers and align your internal processes to changing customer demands.
Your challenge, our expertise
Operational and Customer Excellence
Setting up an excellence program starts with setting the direction for the business: how does the company create value for the customer? OPEX processes will enable the organisation to create a culture where the customer expectations are known and aligned throughout the organisation.
Data and Innovation
Smart organisations manage the explosion of data. They extract useful data into insights and translate these into smart actions to improve customer and employee experience. They outperform competition by accelerating innovation in the core business.
Sustainability & Circular Economy
Accelerating the sustainable transition is a topic high on every CEO’s agenda. But what role can business play? The principles of the circular economy are a successful recipe to grow, innovate and transform in line with the expectations of stakeholders, not least those of our planet.
Our happy customers
"In this collaborative exercise with Möbius, they have proven to be a reliable, analytical and supportive partner who takes into account the objectives of our company. Empathy and the rapid formulation of opportunities help us in the decisions that must be made." - Marleen Porto-Carrero, General Director Farys
Contact our experts
We help to address the most urgent business needs and challenges. Our consultants focus on straight impact and maximum efficiency.