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Primary Care
We offer support for residential care centres, institutions for persons with disabilities, mutual health organisations, home care institutions, care companies, …
Primary care in transition
Primary care in Belgium is in transition and is confronted with some important challenges. In addition, changes within this sector are taking place at an increasingly rapid pace and are having a greater impact. These challenges make primary care a fascinating sector, but also stimulate organisations to reinvent themselves.
Strengthened by a complementary and multidisciplinary team, we focus on participation and transition management, collaboration and network models, strategy and organisational development and expertise management, all supported by a range of skills such as data analytics and dashboarding.
Your challenges, our expertise
Participation and transition management
- Supervise transition processes, such as the introduction of person-centered financing, moving into a new building, the creation of a master plan, the implementation of a new organisational model etc.
- Support (large) participatory processes, such as conferences.
Collaboration and networking
- Development and introduction of different ways of multidisciplinary collaboration, ranging from a substantive collaboration to a far-reaching merger.
- Perform environmental analyses and assist in the preparation of care strategy plans.
Strategy and organisational development
Establishing fluid organisational structures with attention to appropriate leadership, complementary roles, necessary autonomy, process improvement through Lean management and the personal development of employees.
Expertise management
- Handling workload by innovative interim managers with the right knowledge, experience and skills.
- Support of program managers in the context of (large) change projects as well as the necessary expertise in data analytics and scientific inputs.
Our happy customers
"[...] The fact that staff/participants found the collaboration with Möbius so pleasant also resulted in a positive climate in the KEI. In short, a most useful and successful partnership!"
Christiaan Decoster, Chairman Board of Directors KEI
Contact our experts
We help to address the most urgent business needs and challenges. Our consultants focus on straight impact and maximum efficiency.
Related industries
Life Sciences
Through our expertise in both healthcare and manufacturing, we support Pharma, MedTech, BioTech en BioMedTech companies in the challenges they face today.
The main challenge for hospitals is realising (better) care at lower costs. We offer our expertise in hospital (networks) and doctor assocations.
Health Policy
We provide guidance in developing, operationalising and monitoring policy, in defining strategy and in organisational management through an appropriate organisational model.
Participation and transition management
In the current context, dealing with and organising change are essential competences to realise sustainable change trajectories. Change management is therefore becoming more and more important.
“The healthcare sector is VUCA” is a statement that sounds familiar to many people. VUCA is the term used for the situation in which healthcare professionals and organisations currently find themselves: a disruptive environment, a world that is constantly changing with a high degree of uncertainty, complexity and competition. Translated, VUCA stands for rapidly changing, uncertain, complex and vague. This turbulent environment means that primary care organisations need to adapt quickly and that they have to be agile. Change is the key word, although it’s sustainable implementation often seems difficult.
Möbius supports primary care organisations in their transition process, such as the introduction of different financing models financing, infrastructural changes, drawing up a ‘master plan’, implementing a new organisational model, and so on. By means of participation and co-creation, we work out a tailor-made change strategy with the client. Depending on the context and the unique challenges, we offer the necessary methodologies and instruments to successfully realise and sustain your change process.
Collaboration and networking
In the context of social developments and the formation of first-line zones, cooperation between care organisations is more central than ever.
Research shows that multidisciplinary collaboration within primary care is essential to develop an integrated approach. Developing a sustainable (organisational and legal) network structure involves a precise balancing act in which several visible benefits are created for both the patient and the participating healthcare organisation and the healthcare worker involved. New partnerships, network structures and merger initiatives will inevitably emerge. They not only arise spontaneously or because of necessity but are also being stimulated by the government.
Our experience shows that collaboration between care institutions pays off, with the necessary respect for the culture, vision and expertise of each organisation. However, cooperation is not self-evident. That is why Möbius offers the necessary objectivity and process guidance for your project. The collaboration can take various forms, ranging from a substantive collaboration to a far-reaching merger.
Strategy and organisational development
A flexible organisational model and process improvement initiatives serve as leverage to develop a culture of continuous improvement.
Recent developments stimulate first-line organisations to look for ways to organise care better and more efficiently. Care must also be organised in a more innovative way, so that scarce capacity can be utilised optimally, without losing sight of the care user. New forms of organisation, in which a culture of continuous improvement prevails, are therefore inevitable. However, many healthcare organisations are stuck in traditional structures, while the new healthcare landscape clearly places different demands on the organisational model of the future. After all, successful alternatives show that things can also be done differently.
Möbius helps you draw up fluid organisational structures with a clear goal. Sufficient attention is paid to adapted leadership, complementary roles, necessary autonomy and personal development of employees. In addition, Möbius has certified coaches and trainers who, together with you, design powerful development paths and interventions. Various improvement methods such as Lean Management, Six Sigma or Value-Based Healthcare can be applied.
Expertise management
Interim expertise for primary care offers solace when the high workload leads to chaos.
An organisation may suddenly need temporary reinforcement. This can have various causes, such as a prolonged absence, a temporary bridging, a project requiring specific knowledge/expertise, a crisis or when the normal staff and management framework cannot handle all the challenges. We are convinced that at such moments interim expertise can offer a valuable solution to guarantee the continuity of the daily operations within an organisation. However, interim expertise goes beyond management. It comprises a package of expertise that can be deployed in function of the need.
We work together with innovatively minded interim managers who are professionally involved in their profession and who bring added value to your healthcare institution. These managers are selected based on proven expertise, competencies and personal style, so that they fit within the strategy and culture of your organisation.